
Have you ever gone swimming and jumped off the diving board, plunged into the water, only to realize you dove to deep as your lungs tried to race you to the surface for air? Or what about that beach day you were excited about? You finally had everything packed up, the sun was shining and life was good because you were going to the beach to “Catch some rays and Conquer the waves!” 

You unloaded the car, threw open your blanket, set up your chair on the warm sand and took off towards the water. The smell of lightly salted air filled your lungs, the sunlight danced like diamonds on the water, and you could hear the roar of the waves challenging you in the distance. Nothing was going to stop you! Except maybe that first dip of your toe in the frigid water. 

You decided to take on the challenge and press through, slowly inching your body towards your awaiting liquid foe. First ankles, then knees, waist was a little rough but the hardest part is over. You turned to wave victoriously at the crowd of strangers on the sand as you got ready for your final assault…CRASH! BAM! OOF! GLOGLELELE! Suddenly you found yourself tumbling uncontrollably under a wave you didn’t realize had snuck up behind you, swallowing you whole. 

In the belly of the liquid beast your body was thrown about like a rag doll in the hands of a screaming 2-year-old.  One minute your face is buried in the sandpaper bottom, the next you were thrown into the air gasping for life giving air. No matter how hard you struggled the liquid beast refused to ease its grip until it finally tired of your amusement spitting you onto the shore laughing in mockery as you gasped for breath.

Breathing is interesting because we don’t realize how much our life depends on it until life-giving air is restricted or taken away completely. Breathing is what makes us feel alive. But breathing and feeling alive come in other forms as well. There are times, typically when we are alone, when, for a brief moment, we feel like we can breathe. You know those times, they happen after the wave of bills to be paid, bosses to satisfy, and pressure to perform at work has thrown you onto the shore of a weekend or much needed vacation leaving you gasping for air. You find that you can breathe again when you put your hand to what your heart desires, to what your Authentic Self leads you towards.

For a moment we feel like we can “Breathe” when we feel the weight of the hammer in our hands, for a moment we feel like we can “Breathe” when we feel the bowl and wooden spoon mixing the batter, and for a moment we feel like we can “Breathe” when we smell the paint and sound of the brush on canvas. Work for many, solace for some, but in that moment you feel like you can “Breathe.” 

Many times the events outside of our control will restrict our Authentic Self as our days leave us feeling beat up, lifeless and without hope or breath. We charge headlong into the waves of the world not realizing who we are only to be swallowed whole by the beast while our Authentic Self gasps for breath. It’s not until we are alone, with ourselves and no other, that we satisfy the request of the still small voice inside us, who reveals through a whisper what our hearts desire truly is. And in that moment, we find ourselves and breathe.

Kingdom Creative, when was the last time you sat with yourself and asked, “Who am I?” No, I didn’t say “Whose am I?” The question is, “WHO am I?” Like a Christmas gift waiting to be opened, our lives are gifts just waiting for us to unwrap and share with the world (Ephesians 2:10). So, “WHO are you?” Unwrap your gift and breathe.

Scot Saunders